Common Vision

Love Eternal

Love Eternal's 2006 single, inspired by the non-profit group "Common Vision" 2 tracks of positive Roots Reggae music.

This two track e.p. was recorded and mixed by Richard Karst of Prema Music in Sana Cruz CA. It includes a complete remake of Love Eernal's first hit "Family" as well as he song "Comon Vision" inspired by a local california

Love Eternal's 2006 single, inspired by the non-profit group "Common Vision" 2 tracks of positive Roots Reggae music.

This two track e.p. was recorded and mixed by Richard Karst of Prema Music in Sana Cruz CA. It includes a complete remake of Love Eernal's first hit "Family" as well as he song "Comon Vision" inspired by a local california non-profit visit for more about them, and for more on Love Eernal, Music for an Awakening World

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